DiscoveryDNS dnsapi-client


This project is part of the DiscoveryDNS solution. It is a Java client to the DiscoveryDNS Server REST API.

User manual

The user manual of the DiscoveryDNS API can be found in this document.

DNSSEC Practice Statement

The DNSSEC Practice Statement of the DiscoveryDNS API can be found in this document.

API documentation

The details of the DiscoveryDNS REST API commands and responses can be found in this document.
If you want to develop a client to the API in a language different from Java, you will have to consult this document to find out what REST calls are to be implemented and what responses are to be expected.


This project is placed under the LGPLv3 license.


The prefered way of using the client is via maven style dependency (which will automatically include required dependencies) as follows:



The online version of the javadoc can be found here.


Examples are provided in the com.discoverydns.dnsapiclient.example package. However, here is a small description of what needs to be done:


You can view the source on GitHub/DiscoveryDNS. Contributions via pull requests are welcome.


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